Tribeca Hacks Laika: Students Exploring Technology


As our Tribeca Hacks series travels the country, in February we landed in Philadelphia and with the help of The Village of Arts and Humanities, a youth community house in Philadelphia, and TFI New Media Fund alum Laika's Adventure, an experiential education project that centers on Laika – a robot scientist from outer space who is trying to find her way home, students from The Village took part in exploring art and technology as they assist in Laika's journey.

Our next Hack will be in San Francisco and focus on archives. Learn more here.

Tribeca Hacks is designed to increase understanding and broaden participation in the field of interactive storytelling. These workshops give creative media artists the insight and skills to create robust interactive projects that effectively engage with audiences and the chance to experiment with new tools and technologies. They also showcase innovation in this field for artists, funders and the public. A primary goal of the workshops is to build new relationships between media artists, technologists and designers. Learn more here.

And visit the TFI Sandbox for more about interactive storytelling.