Reframe Spotlight: 'Screw It, I'll Play Make Believe'

Reframe Spotlight: 'Screw It, I'll Play Make Believe'

Remember when you played MAGIC back at school? The game where collecting a number of cards gave you special powers and authority. Well, that was just a card game, what if there was a way to bring that game to life? … Well, sort of. In Screw It, I'll Play Make Believe, director Briana Young looks at the subculture known as Live-Action-Role-Playing. A thoroughly immersive activity that for some is a cathartic release, and for others a means of escape, but for everyone who chooses to commit the time and expense of doing it, LARPing is addictive fun that allows fully grown adults to engage in the magical realm of make- believe--a place that, as we all age, becomes increasingly less accessible. Young explores this by following two different role-playing groups—a theater-style group improv-ing through a Lost- type story of an island wedding gone awry, and a combat-style group enacting an epic battle between elves, humans and orcs. To rent of purchase Screw It, I'll Play Make Believe, visit the Reframe Collection.