This is a film about police power and restraint unfolding deep inside the famously troubled Oakland Police Department. We observe in intimate detail the rare perspective of beleaguered officers who are often viewed as oppressors in the community they serve, even as they and their young chief struggle to rebuild trust in the face of mass protests, budget cuts, and more violent crimes per officer than any city in America.
Peter Nicks is an Oakland, CA-based filmmaker whose work ranges from documentary features and fiction narratives to social media storytelling projects. His last film The Waiting Room was released in 2012 to critical acclaim.
Linda Davis produced The Waiting Room, which won numerous awards and was nominated for an Emmy. Most recently she produced The Kill Team, directed by Dan Krauss, which won Best Documentary Feature at Tribeca in 2013.
Lawrence Lerew was nominated for an Emmy for his work on The Waiting Room. He served as editor on Wounded Knee (2008), the Oscar-nominated (2009), and (2013).