Tribeca All Access® 2005
Paula Heredia is a New York-based dicrector and editor. She won an Emmy for her work on the HBO documentary In Memoriam, NYC 9/11/01 and the American Cinema Editors Artistic Achievement Award for Heredia co-produced the narrative feature Slings and Arrows, which won best screenplay and the Audience Award at the Avignon Film Festival. Her short was awarded the Hispanic Creative Award. Most recently, she directed the documentaries and - Photographer and Bookmaker. She teaches workshops on filmmaking throughout the Americas and serves on the board of New York Women in Film and Television. In 2004, Heredia launched Cinema Digital, a program which educates local emerging filmmakers on the esthetics and technology of digital video.
After Long Island gangster Rico is arrested and deported to his native El Salvador, a home he’s never known, he sets off through the countryside in search of his father and a way back into the U.S. and comes across an amazing discovery: himself. Writer/producer Benjamin Odell, Producer Jon Stern. Drama.